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"Three Sisters" Bridges Pittsburgh

The Rainbow Serpent

Pittsburgh, PA

We’re proud to highlight a fantastic project that recently opened in Pittsburgh, PA. “The Three Sisters” lighting show is a testament to the visionary creativity of Dr. Marques Redd, Mikael Owunna, and their nonprofit Rainbow Serpent. Their aim? To weave the powerful stories of the Andy Warhol, Roberto Clemente, and Rachel Carson Bridges with the three sister Yoruba goddesses (Oya, Oshun, and Yemaya) and the three sister crops (beans, corn, and squash) from Native American agricultural practices into a captivating architectural light design.

SPRK’s own Ryan Gravilla and Matt Cooper had the pleasure of supporting this artistic vision to bring this light installation to life, creating an immersive experience on the bridges that merges art and technology.

Learn more about the installation and the inspiring work of Rainbow Serpent here: 

Thank you to Drew McGrew for providing many of these images.

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